You should be concerned about your credit score if you are having trouble paying your bills or have missed a few car payments or credit card payments. A skilled credit and debt relief attorney can help ensure your credit score is correct. Many Americans don’t realize that credit reporting agencies make mistakes. Your credit score could be lower even if you’ve missed one or more payments.
Credit reporting agencies have a history of ignoring consumer information. Many times, credit reports contain errors that can harm credit scores. Credit and debt relief lawyer may be able to help you correct any errors in your credit reports. Credit and debt relief lawyers may send a dispute letter to the credit reporting agency identifying all the incorrect or missing information and providing evidence.
Credit reporting companies are required to investigate all disputed items under federal law. Usually, they must do so within 30 days. They must provide all evidence that you and your lawyer have about inaccurate credit score reporting to any organization they received. The information provider must review the dispute letter and make a report to credit reporting companies.
If the provider of information finds that the disputed data is incorrect, it must inform the three national credit reporting agencies to correct the file. If your dispute letter resulted in a modification to your file, the credit reporting agency must provide you with a copy of its findings and a written copy of their findings. We have seen credit reporting companies fail in many instances to properly investigate and correct credit score errors.
Florida attorneys at Bruner Wright P.A. have assisted many Tallahassee clients to successfully challenge credit reporting agencies that have wrongly calculated their credit scores. Clients have sued credit reporting agencies for violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act. She has also made them pay their legal fees and costs. She can assist her clients in obtaining damages for inaccurate credit reports.
Credit Report Repair After Identity Theft
Identity theft is now more common than ever. Many Florida residents have fallen prey to identity theft. Identity theft can often cause financial ruin and damage to victims’ credit reports. Credit reports can be fixed, but it is difficult to fix credit reports. Credit reporting agencies often doubt that someone has been the victim of identity theft. They will not be able to correct credit reports errors quickly on their own.
Even if a credit bureau agrees that there has been identity theft, it can often take a long time to repair and recover a person’s credit score. Bruner Wright P.A. is familiar with how to handle credit bureaus following identity theft. She will assist the credit bureau in removing fraudulent accounts and unauthorized transactions from credit reports. After resolving any disputes, she will send you letters and double-check the documents. She will continue to dispute your credit report until it is completely accurate and reflects your true credit score.
Stopping Harassment from Debt Collectors
Many of our clients have been harassed by rude or aggressive debt collectors and come to us. Dealing with debt collectors is one of the most frustrating aspects of not paying bills on time. Although the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protects consumers against being harassed and harassed by collectors, many collectors disregard the law.
Many Florida residents don’t speak out against debt collector harassment. They believe they don’t have any rights or feel embarrassed about owing money. Your rights may be being violated if debt collectors harass you. Bruner Wright P.A., Attorney at Law can help you end harassment by enforcing the FDPA rights. We can make the debt collector pay damages in some cases.
We Can Help You Improve Your Credit Score
Your credit score could be affected if you have an inaccurate or untrue negative item on at minimum one of your credit reports. Bruner Wright P.A can help alert credit bureaus to correct these errors and increase your credit score. Even if your credit score is not affected by any errors, Bruner Wright P.A. can help raise it. She will examine your credit reports, credit history, and contact creditors on your behalf.
People often assume there is no room for negotiation when it comes to credit cards debt. It is possible to negotiate with your creditors and settle for a lower amount than what you owe. A creditor might be willing to accept monthly payments at a lower interest rate or allow you to pay a lump sum equal to the amount you owe. You can get advice from her on how to improve your credit score and continue to pay off your debt.
She can also take legal action against debt collectors or credit bureaus that harass you. She may be able, depending on the facts of the case to seek damages for you and pay for your legal fees. It is worth speaking with an experienced lawyer if you have low credit scores or are in debt.
Legal Assistance From a Tallahassee, Florida Credit and Debt Relief Lawyer
Are you having trouble paying your bills? Are debt collectors harassing you? You are not the only one. Attorney Bruner Wright can help. She will evaluate your case and inform you about all of your legal options. Call her now to schedule your initial consultation.
This post was written by Trey Wright, one of the best bankruptcy lawyers in Tallahassee! Trey is one of the founding partners of Bruner Wright, P.A. Attorneys at Law, which specializes in areas related to bankruptcy law, estate planning, and business litigation. Click here to learn more!
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