No one hopes to suffer injuries in a car accident. However, auto and truck accidents are very common in Colorado. If you ever get injured in one, you need to know your options. If the accident happened because of someone’s reckless driving or carelessness, you should consider asking for compensation. Personal injury laws are there to help, and your settlement will cover things like medical bills, lost income capacity, and loss of wages. As soon as you feel better, you need to talk to a skilled car accident lawyer in Pueblo. Here are some of the basic things you must discuss.
- The actual incident
Keep in mind that car accidents are often complicated. If you have a part role in the accident, you may lose some of the awarded compensation, especially in states like Colorado, which follow the “modified comparative negligence” rule. Make sure that you talk to a known lawyer about what really happened. Even if you believe that your actions could be blamed, you should still talk to a lawyer to know the options.
- Claim’s worth
How much should you claim in settlement? There is no one answer for car accident cases, because the facts, circumstances, and situations may vary drastically. An experienced lawyer can give you a fair idea of the possible outcomes, depending on initial facts. Keep in mind that your claim will cover for selected losses only, and if you had a share in fault, the compensation will be adjusted.
- Lawyer’s experience
Before you engage a lawyer for your car accident claim, you need to know about their experience and expertise. Ask the lawyer if they have handled similar cases and what percentage of their practice is dedicated to car accident lawsuits. Consider checking online to find more through reviews and client feedback, and if needed, you can ask for references too.
The need for a car accident lawyer
You need a lawyer for your car accident case in Colorado, if
- Your injuries are severe or debilitating
- You have suffered permanent or temporary disabilities
- You have lost a love one in the accident
- Insurance company has denied your claim
- Your settlement offer way too less than expected
Most car accident lawyers work on a contingency basis these days, so they strive hard to get a fair compensation. The fee of a lawyer depends on facts of the case, but you should have fair idea of the overall expenses in advance.